Monday, November 14, 2011


No, we didn’t get ideas from the Hadzabe and start toking with our kids…  we found out about this thing called a HASH that was happening at a Muzungu’s house up on the slopes of Mt. Kili.  Apparently it’s a world wide phenomenon for expats and travellers but neither Jen nor I being current with the latest hostel scene had ever heard of it.  One of the doctors in the guest house (Mino) told us about it and invited us to come along.  As we understand it, it was invented in the 30’s when the British expats in Malaysia would get together every Saturday for a big drink up… after many Saturdays and a lot of drinking, some wise sod decided that they should actually do something before they all got sloshed and decided to create a on foot rally of sorts… with a trail made of flour with false branches, and the like.  It was really just an excuse to get some exercise, explore some new areas and STILL get staggeringly drunk. 

Mino assured us that there would be lots of kids, so we said sure, piled in the van and took off for the suburbs of Moshi to find the HASH.  Turns out it was being held on Lutheran Church property at the house of a local missionary and his family who showed up from Collingwood, Ontario only 4 weeks ago!  Small world.  Sure enough about 10 minutes after we showed up about 20 kids were on scene so ours had a ball.  The actual hike was good fun and went for something like 7kms up and down the slopes of Mt. Kili through people’s back yards and throughout the local neighbourhood.  Most of the local Tanzanian’s were watching with fascination and were quite helpful in pointing out where the rest of the Mizungu (white people) had taken off for. 

Then we went back to the house and had some local food and beer.  Good fun was had by all.  Best of all, the choir in the church behind us was on full volume and the music was amazing.  I’m not into church music or even gospel, but this was enchanting.  Then we piled back into the van and headed into Moshi for a dinner at a local Indian restaurant that was quite good and back for an early night to catch up on our z’s.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brent...been having difficulty posting comments so am trying this, Dad
