Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Himba Village

A relatively short drive today... only 280kms.  We ended up in Kamanjab, Namibia at a Himba Village.  This was setup by a gentleman who fell in love with a Himba lady who had luekemia.  She managed to make it, so they setup a village for the Himba's where they could live in their traditional lifestyles and be safe from western temptations.

The Himba are the most photographed people in Africa as the women paint themselves with Red Ochre and fashion mud hair extensions.  Their sullen looks are very endemic to African photos.

Note the Redish tint and the mud hair extensions

I want CANDY!!!

Rachel, Rebekka and a Himba baby... they'd just put their arms up to be picked up.  We couldn't hold them as the red die would wreck our only decent clothes.

Himba house

Showing us how the Hiba women take smoke showers - they use no water.

You see this expression on posters everywhere here

Dingy and"Crocodile Steve" - note the sausages!

Shawn - "I'm king of the world!"

One of the interesting facts about the Himba is that they knock the bottom four front teeth out of the males when they turn 16.  Apparently it helps them speak better.  Yikes!

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