Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cat Ba Island

As I think I mentioned before, we ended up spending a bit more time in Northern Vietnam than we would have liked as we're more the hot weather beach types than the cool wet climate types but we made the most of it with our last days in Vietnam on Cat Ba Island.  We got a taxi one day to take us around the island and see yet another (hospital) cave and climb yet another mountain.  Here are some pictures of our adventures.
Missy on the beach

The harbour right across from our hotel

Another local fishmarket... the clams/oysters and mussels were amazing (and dirt cheap).  Wished I had some cooking supplies!

Octopus anyone?
And off we go to climb yet another mountain!

Making planks the old fashioned way

He's cheating....

Almost there!

Made it!

And on 60 times zoom, there's the car!

This cave is a bit more modern that the others the VC used... they had 300 or so in here at all times

This was a training area... you chased a guy in here

And he jumps out of the ceiling at you!

These are the ugliest damn bugs I've ever seen.  It's about 15" in diameter and has about 12 legs...  some sort of a crab I guess.  We saw them in nearly every restaurant window.