Sunday, January 29, 2012

Safe and sound in Singapore

We had an uneventful but long flight from Johannesburt to Kuala Lumpur on Malaysian in one of thier new Boeing 777's.  It is a very nice airline.  Then we had a three hour wait for our flight to Singapore and a 3 subway train trip into the city to get to our "Hostel".  It's a 3.5 star 7 floor hotel as far as I'm concerned.... we have a separate bathroom and the only thing I can see is missing is a TV in the room (there is a common room on our floor with one).  All these stories Jen has told me about roughing it in Hostels.....  :-)

Yesterday we met and spent the afternoon/evening with Wilma and Hector.  Wilma is our good friend Ed's sister (some of you will know/heard of Karen and Ed from Ottawa).  They are here for 4 years on assignment and are in a great little spot about 10 blocks from here.  They had some very nice swimming pools which the kids (and Jen) enjoyed and then we had a very nice pasta dinner and a few beers with them.  They gave us a bunch of good suggestions for all of South East Asia.  Today we plan on getting our laptop computer screen fixed (half of it is black where the kids cracked the screen so you have to type by feel - I'll blame that for my spelling mistakes), our visa's for Vietnam and our laundry done - Yeah!!
Will add pictures when we get them... for now, imagine Singapore as a much cleaner, neater version of Toronto!  Great friendly people and everything is in English (it's the main official language).


  1. Glad to hear you've arrived in Singapore and on to the 3rd continent in your adventure. Enjoy!!!

  2. Thanks Nancy. I think you hold the record for the fastest and moat posts on this blog! Not sure how many pictures we'll take of Singapore because all we've seen so far are stores! :-) Shawn and I went to a couple of malls today (Rachel and Jen went to others)... we had 5-6 FLOORS of stores selling nothing but electronics... it was nuts. Unfortunately, the prices at home are far better so no bargains here!

  3. Interesting market there. Why are prices so out of sight ? Mother wants to know how was Raffles ? U headed for Nam now ? Still mild here. Simcoe wide open. K'bay light ice, no fish huts out yet. Getting it in Eastern Europe and snow in Japan. Playing golf in Lethbridge ! Dad
